The Capability Development Grant (CDG) aims to support SMEs to scale up business capabilities and ensure business sustainability . You can take on projects in areas like product development, human capital development, business processes enhancements for productivity and business model transformation. The grant defrays up to 70 percent* of qualifying project costs such as consultancy, training, certification and equipment costs.
The application requirements for smaller scale projects, for grant support of S$30,000 or less has also been simplified. You can look forward to more streamlined application forms and documentation requirements.
* SPRING’s enhanced funding support of up to 70% would be effective for three years until 31 March 2018.
Explore CDG Development Areas
- Registered and operating in Singapore
- At least 30% local shareholding
- Group annual sales turnover ≤ S$100m or group employment of ≤200 employees
SPRING will assess the application based on your needs, the project scope and competency of the service provider in improving your business capabilities. All applications are subject to SPRING’s approval.
Optional: CDG-WorkPro Job Redesign Rider
Between 1 Jul 2016 to 30 Jun 2019, companies supported under the Capability Development Grant (CDG) may apply for the WorkPro – Job Redesign Rider (“JR Rider”) upon CDG project completion. To be eligible, SMEs need to show that the project has led to a positive impact on older workers (subject to applicable conditions being met). This includes, but is not limited to:
- making jobs physically easier, safer and smarter through improvements to the workplace environment / work processes
- placement and retention of older workers
- improved productivity, enhanced job scope, wage increment etc.
The JR Rider can be used to increase the level of funding support to a maximum of 80% of the qualifying project cost, or up to $20,000 payable per older worker who have benefited (whichever is lower), subject to the applicable caps to the JR Rider scheme.
For more information about WorkPro and the Job Redesign (Rider), please visit
International partnerships: Germany-Singapore SME Funding Programme
SPRING Singapore and AiF Projekt GmbH have launched the Germany-Singapore SME Funding Programme to encourage partnerships between German and Singaporean SMEs. The Programme provides funding for joint R&D projects between German and Singaporean SMEs from their respective governments.
Interested SMEs may download the Briefing Pack (, 114KB), Application Form (, 181KB), and Brochure (, 403KB) for more information.